Steelhead Success

Brick Obye, 20 Pound Hatchery Steelhead

At RevCon, we like to have fun!  Below are some of our famous "Wall of Fame" moments.  

Some may even be considered for  the "Wall of Shame"...

Wall of Fame

Spearfish Canyon

South Dakota, August 2013


*Double Tuff White Boys


Troy showing off his dare devil driving skills.

Best " Cross Up " Ever

A young Troy, 1978

Alaska Sunset

This is a "shamer" for it's pure artistic presence

Pebble Beach #8

Yeah...That's Pebble Beach #8....

4X "Club"

Troy's Elk, 2006

The first " Wall of Shamer "

NANNA, The Thinker

Troy Hunting Chukar

These chukar were blood thirsty and attacked our party. Kill or be killed.